I recently saw a gorgeous piece of art hanging above someone’s mantle on Instagram that stopped me in my tracks! I looked into where she found it and discovered it retails for $300 at Crate and Barrel. So repeat after me my friend – what do we do when we can’t afford something? WE TRY TO MAKE IT OURSELVES!
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While it’s not identical, it definitely has the same beautiful textured lines and feel. And you’ll never guess how much my version cost!!! Find out at the bottom of the post!

Customize this project as much as you want! I wanted a huge statement piece in a neutral tone for my family room, but this tutorial would be really adorable with small frames and skinny ribbon or string!
what you need

- large frame – I thrifted mine!
- ribbon – another thrifted item! I chose several widths (also look in the clearance section at craft stores!)
- hot glue gun
- scissors
- paint – craft, house, & spray paint all work fine!
- optional – flour or baking soda
how to make it
Cut strips of ribbon 4 inches longer than the width of your frame. You need enough strips that when they lay next to one another over your frame, they will cover the entire thing.

Again, cut ribbons 4 inches longer than the HEIGHT of your frame, cutting enough to cover the frame in this direction.

Start with the ribbon that will go width wise:
Starting on one end, wrap each ribbon around the frame, securing the ends to the back with hot glue. Make sure your ribbon is tightly secure. Lay and attach them flush with one another making sure not to overlap because this will make the weaving process difficult.

When all of your width-wise ribbons are secure on both ends, move onto the height sized ribbons.
NOTE: only attach these ribbons to the frame on ONE side so that you can weave!

This weave is a traditional over/under basket weave, like the lattice pattern on the top of a pie. Alternate each ribbon in the over/under pattern, but feel free to make it more random too! Sometimes I went “under” for several rows before going over again. I like the random weave look and it matches the look of my inspiration art.

Continue weaving with all of your loose ribbons. Turn the frame over and secure the loose ribbon ends to the frame with hot glue. Make sure to pull each one tightly!

Trim off excess ribbon.
For the painting portion you can use spray paint or apply with a brush. To add depth to my art, I started with darker colors and ended with a creamy white tone as my top coat. I did a similar technique with my DIY Pottery Lamp! If you want to add some texture, mix a little flour or baking soda into your paint!

cost breakdown

My total cost for this art was $15!!! I paid $6 for my thrifted frame, $3 for the thrifted ribbon, and roughly $6 in hot glue and paint!

Make sure to tag me on social media @therurallegend if you make this easy woven art and don’t forget to subscribe at the bottom of the page so you never miss an opportunity to be inspired!
xoxo, L