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I have wanted to swap out my home office ceiling fan for something called a fandelier. If you’re not familiar with that term, a fandelier is more or less a beautiful ceiling light or chandelier that also houses fan blades to circulate the air. The ones I was looking at were way out of our budget, so I started to think about how I might be able to transform my current ceiling fan (similar style) into something a bit more stylish.

You may be asking, why not just replace the fan with a pretty light and call it a day? Well, my office is on the second floor and is one of the rooms that tends to stay warmer in the summer months than the rest of the house regardless of the air conditioning. Air circulation is important and I’d rather not clutter up the floor with an actual fan.

I decided to try to paint my existing ceiling fan, and spoiler alert, it was SO successful! Because I’m not super handy, Tim unwired the fan for me so that I could spray it outside. If you don’t have someone to take the fan down for you, it IS possible to paint the fan while it is still installed. Just make sure you are masking off the ceiling and surrounding area really well!

I spray painted the fan blades flat black and made sure to use a spray paint that included a primer. This is my go to!
I painted the body of the fan a brushed gold, also one of my go to colors from this brand. To ensure we didn’t scratch the paint while reinstalling the fan, I let the paint cure overnight (but did not apply a top coat) I also chose to add a little gold leaf rub n buff to the gold portion of the fan just to age the metal look and make it look more high end. This step is completely unnecessary, but effective.

I was a little nervous while Tim was reinstalling the fan, but OMG, it’s gorgeous and I kind of want to paint the rest of our fans now! Have a ceiling fan you’re inspired to paint? Make sure to tag me @therurallegend if you share it on social media!!!
xoxo, L