Have you met the 3 newest members of The Rural Legend yet?? Allow me to introduce Paula Ab-ghoul, McRibb, and Bugs Boney! I have been wanting a skeleton to move around our home over the Halloween season for years and finally decided it was time! But when I saw the dog skeletons I knew they had to come home with me too! I had so much fun making this video for Instagram transforming Winston, Elliott and myself into skeletons for our Halloween Porch Reveal!

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I was able to reuse and THRIFT a lot of my porch décor this year! I found witches hats for $2 each at Good Will and used a large needle and fishing line to string them up with these plastic hooks. They look so cool and spooky!

The same neighbor that gave me was also getting rid of REALLY heavy and old concrete planters. I may spray paint them in the future, but for now I simply potted mums and I love the contrast between the chipped white paint and the large black planters on my porch.

I was so excited to put out my black cat doormat and layering rug again this year! That little face makes me smile! I also hung up my DIY bat wreath that I made last year. There are so many other DIY wreaths I have seen this year on Instagram that I’m having a hard time not making a new one even though I love my bats!

I’m hoping I can keep my ferns alive through the first frost because while I’ve had them since Spring, I love the contrast they provide with my Fall and Halloween décor! And dead ferns will probably look cool too, lol!
Do you decorate your front porch for Halloween too! Tell me your favorite decoration in the comments below!
xoxo, L