Hi friends! Summer is in full swing at our house and there have been lots of fun things keeping us busy! Even with a jam packed schedule, I really wanted to create another easy DIY this season that was budget friendly and simple to achieve. I think I succeeded with these gorgeous hand towels, but you be the judge! Using flowers from my garden and Lego from the playroom, these towels add a little summery refresh to my kitchen!

The best part about these DIY towels is that you could make them at any time of year for any kind of occasion! Wouldn’t these make an adorable hostess or Mother’s day gift? By trying different objects for stamps, the possibilities are endless for what you can create!

DIY Hand Towels


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- Flour Sack Towels – I used these, but these from walmart would also be a great option
- Acrylic paints in your choice of colors – I have this set from Michaels, but these are also a great price on Amazon!
- paint brushes
- scrap paper for practice
- things to stamp with – I used:
– flowers from my garden (zinnias, asters, etc)
– lego
– dried poppy heads from my dad’s garden.
– dried orange slice – a half of a lemon gently squeezed and left out over night to
dry out would work.
– other materials you can use: fork, bubble wrap, cookie cutters, actual stamps,
leaves, chopsticks, etc…

How to make it

Wash and dry your towels ahead of time. Dip your object directly into paint or gently brush paint into your stamp object. I practiced on paper first to get a feel for how much paint I needed and what the shapes would look like.

Stamp your towel in any pattern you like. You can stamp the entire towel or just the ends – get creative! I ended up dipping my objects in several colors for a layered look! I don’t know which I love more – the simple black and white prints or the layered color look. Which one do you like more???

Allow the paint to dry and then re-wash and dry your towels to set the paint.

Looking for an easy DIY dried orange tutorial? Find mine here!

Stamping acrylic paint onto fabric could transform all types of décor items! Customize cloth napkins! Perk up an only pillow cover! I can’t wait to see what you create! Make sure to share with me! #TheRuralLegend I hope you find some inspiration here! Make sure to subscribe at the bottom of the page so you never miss an opportunity to be inspired! And for more styling ideas, recipes, and a peek inside our every day life, make sure to follow along on Instagram and now Facebook!
xoxo, L
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