These little paper stars and bows couldn’t be easier to make and are a great way to use up wrapping paper scraps! Talk about an affordable and unique gift topper or ornament for your Christmas Tree!

You can use any kind of paper you’d like – just know the thicker the paper, the sturdier your star will be! Not only are these stunning on packages, but they make beautiful ornaments! Here’s what you’ll need to recreate these at home.

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DIY Paper Stars
- paper of your choice – I used wrapping paper scraps (linked below) and craft paper
- scissors
- gold wire or string
- double sided tape
optional materials
- hole punch
- hot glue gun and glue sticks
How to make it
1. Start with a rectangular piece of paper. You want the longer sides to be at least twice the length of the shorter sides (ex: 5 inches x 10 inches) Note: The wider your paper, the larger your star will be. The longer your paper, the more texture your star will have.

2. Starting with a short end, accordion fold your paper the entire length.

3. Using wire or string, wrap the center of your folded paper tightly to secure it.

To Make A Bow:
1. Fan out each side to create a bow shape

To Make A Star:
1. Cut the ends to a point as seen in the image below. Make sure your points are facing the same direction.

2. Using double sided tape fold 2 sides together to create an arch.

3. Repeat on the other side.

How to use stars and bows for wrapping
Option 1
Simply glue them onto your packages in any arrangement desired.

Option 2
Wrap ribbon around your wrapped gift and tie in a knot on the top. Place bow on top of the knot and tie ribbon again securing the bow in place. Leave ribbon ends long for an elegant look.

Option 3
Layer a small bow or star on top of a large star. Secure a small bow or star to the top of a large star. Either use wire to attach around the ribbon on your gift or glue in place on the top of your gift.

Once you have your stars and bows made, simply punch a hole and string them for your tree! Wouldn’t these look stunning with a small line of gold painted on the top of the creases for a little sparkle?!

Are you finished holiday shopping yet? If not, check out my gift guides for a little inspiration! And if you’re looking for more crafting, don’t miss my DIY wrapping paper post! Make sure to follow along on Instagram for more easy DIY’s, home styling tips, and a peek inside our every day life!
xoxo, L